Fun With Deep Learning

Published: 09 Oct 2015 Category: deep_learning


Artist Agent: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Automatic Stroke Generation in Oriental Ink Painting

Neural Art

A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Artificial Startup Style: Neural art about startup fashion

From Pixels to Paragraphs: How artistic experiments with deep learning guard us from hype

Experiments with style transfer

Style Transfer for Headshot Portraits (SIGGRAPH 2014)

Teaching recurrent Neural Networks about Monet

Content Aware Neural Style Transfer

Combining Markov Random Fields and Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Synthesis

Stylenet: Neural Network with Style Synthesis


  • intro: This program presents web-service for algorithm combining the content of one image with the style of another image using convolutional neural networks
  • github:

Exploring the Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution

Image transformation networks with fancy loss functions

Improving the Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

CubistMirror: an openframeworks app which repeatedly applies real-time style transfer on a webcam

Transfer Style But Not Color

neural-art-mini: Lightweight version of mxnet neural art implementation

Preserving Color in Neural Artistic Style Transfer

End to End Neural Art with Generative Models

Neural Style Explained

Texture Networks: Feed-forward Synthesis of Textures and Stylized Images

Learning Typographic Style

Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization

Painting style transfer for head portraits using convolutional neural networks

Style-Transfer via Texture-Synthesis

neural-style-tf: TensorFlow implementation of Neural Style

Deep Convolutional Networks as Models of Generalization and Blending Within Visual Creativity

  • intro: In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Creativity. Palo Alto: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Press (2016)
  • arxiv:

A Learned Representation For Artistic Style

How to Fake It As an Artist with Docker, AWS and Deep Learning

Multistyle Pastiche Generator

Fast Style Transfer in TensorFlow

Neural Style Transfer For Chinese Fonts

Neural Style Representations and the Large-Scale Classification of Artistic Style

Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer

Awesome Typography: Statistics-Based Text Effects Transfer

Fast Patch-based Style Transfer of Arbitrary Style

Demystifying Neural Style Transfer

Son of Zorn’s Lemma: Targeted Style Transfer Using Instance-aware Semantic Segmentation

Bringing Impressionism to Life with Neural Style Transfer in Come Swim

  • intro: a case study of how Neural Style Transfer can be used in a movie production context
  • keywords: Kristen Stewart !
  • arxiv:

Pytorch tutorials for Neural Style transfert

Stable and Controllable Neural Texture Synthesis and Style Transfer Using Histogram Losses

Arbitrary Style Transfer In Real-Time With Adaptive Instance Normalization

Picking an optimizer for Style Transfer

Multi-style Generative Network for Real-time Transfer

Deep Photo Style Transfer

Lightweight Neural Style on Pytorch

StyleBank: An Explicit Representation for Neural Image Style Transfer

How to Make an Image More Memorable? A Deep Style Transfer Approach

Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy

Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Transfer

Towards Metamerism via Foveated Style Transfer

Style Transfer for Sketches with Enhanced Residual U-net and Auxiliary Classifier GAN

Meta Networks for Neural Style Transfer

Neural Color Transfer between Images

Improved Style Transfer by Respecting Inter-layer Correlations

Face Destylization

Unsupervised Typography Transfer

Stereoscopic Neural Style Transfer

Arbitrary Style Transfer with Deep Feature Reshuffle

Neural Art On Audio

MSc AI Project on generative deep networks and neural style transfer for audio

Neural Song Style

Time Domain Neural Audio Style Transfer

Neural Art On Video


Instructions for making a Neural-Style movie

Artistic style transfer for videos

Artistic style transfer for videos and spherical images

How Deep Learning Can Paint Videos in the Style of Art’s Great Masters

DeepMovie: Using Optical Flow and Deep Neural Networks to Stylize Movies

Coherent Online Video Style Transfer

Laplacian-Steered Neural Style Transfer

Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos

Multi-Content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer

Neural Doodle

Semantic Style Transfer and Turning Two-Bit Doodles into Fine Artworks

Neural Doodle

Faster neural doodle

Feed-forward neural doodle

neural image analogies: Generate image analogies using neural matching and blending

Neural doodle with Keras

Deep Dreams


cnn-vis: Use CNNs to generate images

bat-country: A lightweight, extendible, easy to use Python package for deep dreaming and image generation with Caffe and CNNs

DeepDreaming with TensorFlow


Understanding Deep Dreams

Generating Deep Dreams

Audio Deepdream: Optimizing Raw Audio With Convolutional Networks


Brewing EmojiNet

Image2Emoji: Zero-shot Emoji Prediction for Visual Media

Teaching Robots to Feel: Emoji & Deep Learning 👾 💭 💕

Text input with relevant emoji sorted with deeplearning


Sketch-a-Net that Beats Humans

How Do Humans Sketch Objects?

Learning to Simplify: Fully Convolutional Networks for Rough Sketch Cleanup (SIGGRAPH 2016)

Convolutional Sketch Inversion

Sketch Me That Shoe (CVPR 2016)

Mastering Sketching: Adversarial Augmentation for Structured Prediction

SketchyGAN: Towards Diverse and Realistic Sketch to Image Synthesis

Image Stylization

Automatic Portrait Segmentation for Image Stylization

Transfiguring Portraits

Stylize Aesthetic QR Code

Image Colorization

Deep Colorization

Learning Large-Scale Automatic Image Colorization

Learning Representations for Automatic Colorization

Colorful Image Colorization

Colorising Black & White Photos using Deep Learning

Automatic Colorization (Tensorflow + VGG)

colornet: Neural Network to colorize grayscale images

Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification (SIGGRAPH 2016)

Convolutional autoencoder to colorize greyscale images

Image-Color: A deep learning approach to colorizing images

Creating an artificial artist: Color your photos using Neural Networks

Paints Chainer: line drawing colorization using chainer

Unsupervised Diverse Colorization via Generative Adversarial Networks

(DE)^2 CO: Deep Depth Colorization

A Neural Representation of Sketch Drawings

Real-Time User-Guided Image Colorization with Learned Deep Priors

PixColor: Pixel Recursive Colorization

cGAN-based Manga Colorization Using a Single Training Image

Interactive Deep Colorization With Simultaneous Global and Local Inputs

Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks

Learning to Color from Language


Visually Indicated Sounds


GRUV: Algorithmic Music Generation using Recurrent Neural Networks

DeepHear - Composing and harmonizing music with neural networks

Using AutoHarp and a Character-Based RNN to Create MIDI Drum Loops

Musical Audio Synthesis Using Autoencoding Neural Nets

sound-rnn: Generating sound using recurrent neural networks

Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Generation (Project for AI Prac Fall 2015 at Cornell)

Visually Indicated Sounds (MIT. 2015)

Training a Recurrent Neural Network to Compose Music

LSTM Realbook

LSTMetallica: Generation drum tracks by learning the drum tracks of 60 Metallica songs

deepjazz: Deep learning driven jazz generation using Keras & Theano!

Magenta: Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence

Music Transcription with Convolutional Neural Networks

Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Generating Music and Japanese Lyrics

BachBot: Use deep learning to generate and harmonize music in the style of Bach

Generate Music in TensorFlow

Generate new lyrics in the style of any artist using LSTMs and TensorFlow

sound-GAN: Generative Adversial Network for music composition

Analyzing Six Deep Learning Tools for Music Generation

WIMP2: Creating Music with AI: Highlights of Current Research

Song From PI: A Musically Plausible Network for Pop Music Generation

Grammar Argumented LSTM Neural Networks with Note-Level Encoding for Music Composition


Hip-Hop - Generating lyrics with RNNs

Metis Final Project: Music Composition with LSTMs

Neural Translation of Musical Style


NeuralSnap: Generates poetry from images using convolutional and recurrent neural networks

Generating Chinese Classical Poems with RNN Encoder-Decoder

Chinese Poetry Generation with Planning based Neural Network

Weiqi (Go)

Teaching Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go

Move Evaluation in Go Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks(Google DeepMind, Google Brain)

Training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go

Computer Go Research - The Challenges Ahead (Martin Müller. IEEE CIG 2015)

GoCNN: Using CNN for Go (Weiqi/Baduk) board evaluation with tensorflow

DarkGo: Go in Darknet

BetaGo: Go bots for the people

Deep Learning and the Game of Go


Better Computer Go Player with Neural Network and Long-term Prediction (Facebook AI Research)


Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search

AlphaGo Teach


How Alphago Works

AlphaGo in Depth


  • intro: Leela is a strong Go playing program combining advances in Go programming and further original research into a small, easy to use graphical interface.
  • homepage:

Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge

Computer Go & AlphaGo Zero

AlphaZero: Mastering Games without Human Knowledge - NIPS 2017

The future is here – AlphaZero learns chess

**AlphaGo Zero Cheat Sheet


Giraffe: Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Play Chess

Spawkfish: neural network based chess engine

Chess position evaluation with convolutional neural network in Julia

Deep Learning for … Chess

DeepChess: End-to-End Deep Neural Network for Automatic Learning in Chess

Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm


Learning Game of Life with a Convolutional Neural Network

Reinforcement Learning using Tensor Flow: A deep Q learning demonstration using Google Tensorflow

Poker-CNN: A Pattern Learning Strategy for Making Draws and Bets in Poker Games Using Convolutional Networks

TorchCraft: a Library for Machine Learning Research on Real-Time Strategy Games

BlizzCon 2016 DeepMind and StarCraft II Deep Learning Panel Transcript

DeepStack: Expert-Level Artificial Intelligence in No-Limit Poker

Gym StarCraft: StarCraft environment for OpenAI Gym, based on Facebook’s TorchCraft

  • intro: Gym StarCraft is an environment bundle for OpenAI Gym. It is based on Facebook’s TorchCraft, which is a bridge between Torch and StarCraft for AI research.
  • github:

Multiagent Bidirectionally-Coordinated Nets for Learning to Play StarCraft Combat Games

Learning Macromanagement in StarCraft from Replays using Deep Learning

Multi-platform Version of StarCraft: Brood War in a Docker Container: Technical Report


DeepLeague: leveraging computer vision and deep learning on the League of Legends mini map + giving away a dataset of over 100,000 labeled images to further esports analytics research

DeepLeague (Part 2): The Technical Details


Learning Machines

Learning Bit by Bit


Machine learning for artists @ ITP-NYU, Spring 2016

Machine Learning for Artists @ OpenDot, November 2016

The Neural Aesthetic @ SchoolOfMa, Summer 2016


Review of machine / deep learning in an artistic context

Apprentice Work

Exploring the Intersection of Art and Machine Intelligence

Using machine learning to generate music

art in the age of machine intelligence

Understanding Aesthetics with Deep Learning

Go, Marvin Minsky, and the Chasm that AI Hasn’t Yet Crossed


A Return to Machine Learning


Music, Art and Machine Intelligence Workshop 2016